Monday, May 12, 2014

Better than Christmas morning...

May is generally a celebratory month in my house.  I was married on May 8, 2010.  We celebrate Mother's Day.  Snow melts and temps warm up.  It's my favorite month overall.

Surprisingly, my first release date coincides with this.  BRAIDED STRINGS was published on May 8, my 4th anniversary.  I discovered it was live on Mother's Day, which was so appropriate since it is my first book baby.   I spent the entire day grinning from ear to ear because I was so excited to share my work with the world...nervous, but excited.

Every positive review leaves me a bit teary eyed and giddy.  I haven't received a negative review yet, but it's early days, I know it'll come.  Not everyone who picks up a book loves it - as much I want my book to be the one that changes that.  I think we all do when we put our words and thoughts out there.  Our characters are part of us, as writers.  In our minds, we sweat, cry, bleed, and laugh with the people on the pages.

It's said that being a mother is allowing your heart to live outside your body.  Being an author is allowing your mind to live outside your head.  And I'm ok with that.  I know there will be good days and there will be bad days.  I'm going to take each one in stride, and be proud of my baby no matter what people think of it.  Because I love that little book, and everyone in it.

I hope you all do, too!  <3

CARA WYATT fell in love with her best friend.

She’d been afraid to share her feelings with him, until one day, when an impulsive decision gave them the opportunity at a relationship that they’d been denying for years…

DELANEY BLAKE was in love with Cara from the moment he met her.

He knew she relied on him, but Cara didn’t realize he relied on her just as much. However, he had plans. A strict outline of what his future should be, and he was determined to make them happen.

When Delaney was faced with having to choose between her and his future, he panicked, and Cara pushed him away believing it was better than facing potential rejection.

More than a year later, she has to risk facing that rejection, and even worse, anger for the SECRETS she kept from him when it all fell apart…


**Links for paperback coming soon**

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